Project Lawyers produce a range of publications in their specialist areas of expertise designed to keep you informed about legal developments potentially relevant to your project, business or personal affairs. These publications are for general information purposes only. Please contact our team should you require any information regarding the contents of these publications.
Strata Defects Regime for high-rise residential buildings in NSW
On 15 July 2017, Project Lawyers published an article on the proposed introduction of Part 11 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015. Now that Part 11 has been introduced, owners corporation and developers should familiarise themselves with the requirements of the...
Deadline for Window Safety Devices in NSW
Owners Corporations must install window safety devices From 13 March 2018, the owners corporations of all strata residential buildings in New South Wales are under a duty to install a complying window safety device, at the owners corporation’s expense, on all affected...
Changes to Interim Occupation Certificates in NSW
Occupation Certificates prior to amendments to the Act Prior to 1 March 2018, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) ("the Act") specified two types of occupation certificates (OC) that could be applied for, to permit the occupancy and use of a new...
NSW Land and Environment Court makes Important Findings Relating to Strata Renewal Proceedings
Project Lawyers, acting for the applicant in the recent decision of The Owners - Strata Plan 49574 v Scorpio Holdings (Aust) Pty Ltd & Ors [2018] NSWLEC 54, successfully obtained orders from the Court requiring a respondent (dissenting lot owner) in strata renewal...
Court Rejects Challenge to Amber Light Approval
The ‘amber light’ approach adopted by the Land and Environment Court involves the delivery of an interim judgment which falls short of an outright refusal of an appeal, but which identifies elements of concern in the application which, if amended, could result in the...
Conservation Incentive Provisions Under Clause 5.10 – Court Maintains High Threshold
The policy initiative underlying the conservation incentive provisions set out in clause 5.10 of the Standard Instrument - Principal LEP, adopted in all Local Environmental Plans, is relatively straightforward. It is intended to facilitate the conservation and...